Background: Paediatric Tracheostomy is a procedure used to ventilate children through a hole in the trachea. Indications for the procedure were once primarily for acute upper airway obstruction due to infections but have now changed. Generally, there is poor knowledge surrounding tracheostomies and a limited knowledge of guidelines amongst health-care professionals.
Aim: The aim of this review is to discuss the basis of changes to the indications of paediatric tracheostomy. It will also investigate the key complications related to the procedure and discuss the importance of multidisciplinary teams being aware of the emergency algorithms for dealing with such complications.
Findings: Indications have changed due to advancements in medicine with increased life expectancy and survival rates for children with often life threatening congenital conditions. Tracheostomies can offer these children long term ventilatory support. Upper airway obstructions due to infections are now infrequently indicated for tracheostomy due to successful vaccination programs. Complications today are because of obstructions and decannulations. Intra-operative complications are infrequent, due to refinements in surgical technique.
Conclusion: Paediatric Tracheostomy is a rapidly evolving field because of continuous advancements in neonatal and intensive care medicine. The indications and complications have changed together over the last four decades. A greater understanding of tracheostomy complications is requiredfor successful management.
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