Recent studies on inpatient psychiatric populations 'have found significant benefits of ‘pet therapy’. Animals have been shown to improve patients’ emotional, psychological and physical wellbeing. There has however been little research on pet therapy in the outpatient psychiatric population. A ‘Pets as therapy’ (PAT) dog was present in patient consultations in an adult psychiatry clinic in South Cumbria one day a week during the study period. Patients were given a feedback questionnaire to complete if the PAT dog was present in their consultation. This pilot study was done over a period of seven months from November 2016 to June 2017. Thirty-four patients completed the questionnaire out of 39. 100% of patients enjoyed having the PAT dog present and 91% felt the PAT dog reduced their anxiety and made them feel more relaxed. 70% of people felt the PAT dog improved their mood and 88% would like a PAT dog to be present during consultations in
the future. PAT dogs may improve patient experience and, through reducing anxiety, might allow patients to more easily establish a rapport with their psychiatrist which could have positive implications on information they share. More research is required in order to gain a better understanding if there are improved outcomes from using a therapy dog in psychiatry outpatients.
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